Saturday, December 15, 2007

G'day Gov'nah

Saturday afternoon I took the dogs over to the Locust run dog park down by the river. The park was fairly busy and as I herded my two dogs into the run, I heard a woman comment, "Oh Ed, look at the two labs coming in. Ginger is going to be excited!" So after I let the dogs loose my puppy immediately gravitates towards a young Golden. It's at this point that I realize that the owners of the golden are the governor and his wife. I introduce myself to the gov'nah and we chatted briefly about the dogs and the fact that we belong to the same golf club. After a few minutes of pleasentries, he asks me the names of my dogs. I tell him their names and ages. He turns to me and says something along the line of "Looks like [your dog] and Ginger are getting along." That's when I turn around to find my dog has mounted the governor's dog and is humping away at a furious and frenetic pace.


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