Saturday, February 9, 2008

Sinking Feeling

So, you may have noticed the lack of posts over the last couple of weeks. The simple explanation is that I've been super busy. The more complicated explanation is that I've switched jobs, and my new job is actually enjoyable, which leaves me less time to whine and moan via blog. Anyway. When I restarted the blog, I vowed that I would try to update at least once a week. Now that I'm settled into the new job, I'm going to try to do that. Anyway.

I don't consider myself particularly intuitive. I think I'm good at reading people and situations, but I believe that this is a result of my observant nature rather than any sort of sixth sense. I usually write any accurate predictions off as coincidence rather than intuition. However, I cannot help but have a sinking suspicion that one day I will find a dead body. And not in a, "I-was-the-one-who-came-home-and-found-that-great-grandmom-had-passed-on" dead body. I'm talking murder victim in the woods dead body. I can't help but feel like I'm going to be the "hiker" or "jogger" that stumbles upon a cadaver when my dog takes off and I chase him down only to be led to a makeshift gravesite.

That being the case, when interviewed by the Police about the discovery, you won't hear me say anything like, "At first I thought it was a department store mannequin that someone had dumped in the woods." Nope. Unlike every other hiker or jogger that stumbles upon a dead body, I'm kind of expecting that the corpse-like figure peeking out from a crumpled refrigerator box is going to be a body, not a mannequin. And frankly, that's only logical. Do people think it's common to dispose of old mannequins by dumping them in the woods? Really though, when was the last time a hiker stumbled upon what he or she thought was a mannequin and they were right? I bet it's pretty rare.

Anyway, I'm not saying that I'm looking forward to discovering a dead body, or that I want to discover a dead body or that I won't be totally devastated and mentally warped by the discovery. I'm just saying that I think at some point in my life, I'm going to be that "jogger" or "hiker" that you read about in the paper.

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